Supportive Services
Phone Hours: Monday through Friday, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
For an appointment, please call (650) 330-6571 – English
Or email the Supportive Service Center at: supportiveservices@jobtrainworks.org
Para hacer una cita, contacto Consejera de Beneficios y Recursos Humanos, al teléfono (650) 330-6572 – Español, o supportiveservices@jobtrainworks.org
JobTrain offers a variety of onsite Supportive Services for students and the public. The Supportive Service Center provides confidential, one-on-one advice at no cost, for the following services:
Applying for Government benefits (links)
Access to legal advice
- Expungement
- Consumer & civil law
- Worker’s rights
- Public benefits denial
Affordable child care
And more! See below.
El Centro de Apoyo y Servicios de JobTrain ofrece asesoramiento confidencial, individualizado y gratuito en las siguientes áreas:
Solicitando beneficios del gobierno (enlaces)
Acceso a asesoramiento legal
- Eliminación de antecedentes penales
- Leyes civiles y de defensa al consumidor
- Derechos del trabajador
- Denegación de beneficios (LIBRE)
Guarderia a precio bajo
y mucho mas
Food Assistance Programs
San Mateo County Food Pantries
Call: 1 (800) 984-3663
Text: 1 (408) 455-5181
- Suicide Prevention / Crisis Intervention
Helpline: 1 (800) 985-5990 or text talk with us to 66746.
Text: 741741
- Substance Use Disorder: 24/7 assistance
Toll Free: (800) 686-0101