San Jose Career Center
Proudly serving the residents of Santa Clara County with their job search needs. To enroll into our services for the San Jose Career Center, please come in person to the center.
Spanish: Orgullosamente sirviendo a los residentes del condado de Santa Clara con sus necesidades de búsqueda de empleo. Para inscribirse en nuestros servicios aquí en el San Jose Career Center, puede venir personalmente al San Jose Career Center para recibir ayuda.
2635 North 1st Street,
Suite 118,
San Jose, CA 95134

Resume Development
Interview Practice
Job Development and Career Exploration
Online Job Readiness Workshops
Access to Virtual Employment Tools
Access to on-site technology: printer, laptops, and WiFi
Supportive Services as needed
Specialized Services
Employment services for individuals receiving CalFresh.
Employment services for individuals receiving Rapid Rehousing and the homeless prevention communities
The San Jose Career Center welcomes residents of Santa Clara County seeking employment assistance. Our personalized services include working with an employment specialist one-on-one to help with resume writing, mock interviews, job applications, and career coaching. We are dedicated to supporting clients from unhoused and formerly unhoused communities. We strive to help clients gain employment, and we guarantee quality service to help you achieve your career goals.
Funding provided by United States Department of Agriculture. USDA is an Equal Opportunity Provider, Employer, and Lender.
Meet Our San Jose Team
Tonya Robertson
CFET Coordinator
Brodie Storey
Employment Specialist III
Javier Mota
Employment Specialist
Andrea Yepez
Employment Specialist