• Date: Thursday, July 18, 2024
    Time: 11 am to 3 pm PT
    Location: JobTrain
    1200 O’Brien Drive, Menlo Park, CA 94025

  • Calling all JobTrain healthcare students and alumni!

  • Connect with Top Employers: Meet leading healthcare providers actively seeking talented Medical Assistants and Certified Nursing Assistants like you!

  • On-the-Spot Interviews: Showcase your skills and passion directly to decision-makers. Don’t miss this opportunity to make a lasting impression!

  • RSVP now to secure your place at the forefront of the healthcare job market. Your dream job awaits!

  • Bring copies of your resume

  • Learn more | RSVP


Need to update your resume before the event? Schedule an appointment with an Employment Specialist near you today


JobTrain Healthcare Job Fair - Menlo Park, CA - July 18, 2024