Bank of America Honors JobTrain with the 2011 NEIGHBORHOOD BUILDER AWARD

Bank of America honored the recipients of this year’s Neighborhood Excellence Initiative grants at a ceremony on Tuesday, November 8, 2011 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View.
San Mateo County-based JobTrain and Second Harvest Food Bank of Santa Clara and San Mateo counties each received $200,000 unrestricted grants and leadership training. Bank of America also recognized five “Local Heroes” for their community service work with $5,000 donations toward the nonprofit of their choice. The recipients and their charities were Charles Aronstam, Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford; Chad Bojorquez, InnVision Georgia Travis Multi-Service Day Center; Christine Case, Expanding Your Horizons event at Skyline College; Lauri Steel, Habitat for Humanity Silicon Valley, and Jeffery Trout, TriSoldier Project.
JobTrain Executive Director Sharon Williams accepted the award and is pictured here with Project Build student RAFAEL MORALES and Culinary Arts representative COSTANDINOS SIOTOS (Dino).
Click HERE to watch Dino’s video and see how JobTrain is helping to transform his life.